hehehe after paper we went K man! siong arh! ahahas
we sang until 5 something bah..than we go off liao le...
so fast man!
Went to tua to do things...i arrived first after that micheal and later darrick and ah boon...
what the hell waste paper sia...~ 200 pieces u know...fk man!
nvm i dun care de but abit dulan lor...wasted my time for this...next time straight away go tua print jiu okay liao
sianzzz...some one called darrick to go amk there to discuss about somethings...ahahas...next time than tell u all bah...now not confirm yet...we reached there...i saw the who sia...i shiock tio sia...are we going to come to our tua to do these kind of things again...
erm i dun think so....trust people only onces.....ahahas true lor...
than we go home after all...
goiing to sleep soon bye all~! :)