Sorry for not posting for so many days...
today i will post about what happen 3 days ago~
On 10 nov 2011, it was a tian sin ban gong day for us sintua...
that day i waked up around 1 something than about 4 reach tua...
when there we do things...prepare things for guan yim ma to come and ban gong...
than starting got people come le...they all wait and wait until 8 plus...we invite god le...
guan yim ma start banggong lor...
ban until 9+, ahahha! zai zai come wors...ahaha! than start to play with him...
ask him to open number for us lor...1318...
what funny is this,when he want to put the goli out...keep looking at me lor...walan~ ahaha!
so strange de...ahahaahahaha!!!
than let him eat, play awhile ask him go back le coz the number is out 1318 ahahaha!!!
soon after him, his kor kor coming le tiong tua....
when i wake up is already 11+ loh...
so late le...than ah wong uncle sleep until 1+ send me kopi c, me , john, xiuxiang jie go home...
i am the first to reach home...
ahahaha! thks ah wong tired le still send us home so nice of him~~~
On 11 nov 2011, i wake up the most early of the month...ahaha!!! 9+!
than hor, i shower, brush teeth all done le, eat le, change clothes le...go down tua loh...
as master as me go down as early as i can help gui you uncle do things...
than i go down early lor...
but i also dun know i early anot leh...when i reach le...
shifu is already sitting at there dun know do what le loh...
than i start doing thing lor...korkun de things...
bowl, chopstick, spoon , cups...alll i must prepare and place it correctly...
than 4 start korkun due to the auntie cooking process bobian...
kor until 5.30 shiong kun, after shiong kun, burn paper for them lor...ahahaha!
kun jiong must bopi us okay~!? ahahaha!
soon after, start makaning session...ahaha! everytime also have sheng alots...
but this time almost all clear...good very good~
after all ah wong uncle send me back home again~
thks ah wong uncle~
On 12 nov 2011, i wake up at 1 or 2 i forget le...than i wash face eat things muar otah today...
so nice...ahahaha!
soon after i wanna upload korkun de photos but wth, every time stuck at 23 KNN~~
den i dulan dun want to upload...
soon after~ i eat le shower lor...den about 3 or 4 i go down tua le...
6.30 start to do things...dodododo until 7 or 8 + due to not enough man power ahahaha!
if not is already done by 7.30 de lor...ahahaha!
alots of people no come a kitchen auntie than still got some people haven come yet...
when is already 8pm people start coming~ ahahha!!! ahahah!!!
soon~ i am going to go and sleep in a dream...ahahaha! wakao~ what phrase is this...
than we 9pm qia shen, knn micheal sibeh kan
sua lah...i just do myslef...
than he qia ho liao...i go behind call people than start le lor...
i wake up that time all zao liao liao kns~ no wait one~
weeloon, ah bong...i saw kai ren only...but weeloon got work cannot blame...ahaha! right weeloon~
than i wake up le have keep wors...than we start keeping those things...
keep until 1+ fast move man~ ahahaha!
alot of people mah...ahahaa!
all people 功德無量~ 發啊!
soon le ah wong uncle want go home le...i also want go home dun want wait for chicken king...
stil say want go eat i dun want lah...i want go home...le sua...
i go home le lor...reach home about 2+ coz i am the last one to go down...
ahahaha! i dun know what to talk sia...ahahah! than ah wong uncle talking about the rice thing
than i say say say and later, soon after~ reach home loh...say TQ to ah wong uncle and byebye to him
than i go back home le...than went up what i do first change clothes wash
than switch on com see FB than i wanna upload photos again~! but knn i cannot tahan le sleep loh~
hahahaha! end of my report of the 3 days...