Today wake up at 7.30+ to go for work until 8am,
i go to busttop to take at home sianzzz...
coz just now i went to temple to clear the tai zi ya table things
that was alots of amulet in there u know how many amulet???
about 600+ amulets in there about 1 big box 1 medium size box 1 small box!
today morning i olso doing sauages today is a messy busy day!!!
even today got about 2 complains by customers!
one double cheese burger one fries not enough!
LOL! no choice!
tired tmr still have to work!
on thursday we 3T1 when to Jurong POINT! FOR EBS trip!
here arE some ONe photo below!
Waiting for our buses so slow!!!
The bus when over to the taxi stand!!! wait!!!
Discussion...wentian ki tang at there!!! LOL!!!
no offence!
After this when back home liao le!
GTG and do my sintua thing le bye!