
Very happy today never go school nth one la ahaha!
just write a letter to FOrm teacher can liao le!
Oh shit just relised that my E-Learning account PW is lost!
OMG! Tmr no need to do liao le!!!
got scold liao le no choice i say last min i forget to tell my form teacher that i forget my PW!
ahahas really wad!
today is the 1st wtf the SimWL scold me dumb CB KNN today u die i tell u!
CB like our School DE SIMJH lor!
cb later u die liao le!
today going temple at 4 ba start to clear the guan yim ma de table is the most messy one!
i am going to clear the tapes all in a box i dun care!
taisuiyye i will see how!
tow kay one quite okay liao le but i still need to clear up one more time!
later comfirm pit one lor!
let see ar!
tai zi ya de amulet so put inside the right side end so easy to take...
na tu gong de amuler box so olso put at the right side!
the tian deng should put on the left side the ang hua ming should put on the right side !
okay it is done!!! i want to have a cleaning session at the temple !!!
How kym wants to create this events???
kkk see how ba gtg bb!